20 research outputs found

    Implementasi Remote Tv Universal Sebagai Pengatur Karakter Pada Dot Matrik Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 16

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    Layanan informasi merupakan komunikasi yang dibutuhkan dalam sebuah lingkungan kerja yang cukup luas sehingga terjalin suatu koordinasi yang baik dalam seluruh lapisan di dalamnya. Layanan informasi tersebut berupa ajakan atau teguran kepada masyarakat. Pemberian informasi dengan metode tampilan karakter berjalan pada dot matrik diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi terbaik atas pemberian layanan informasi. Pemberian layanan informasi dengan karakter berjalan pada dot matrik yang ditempatkan ditempat umum jelas akan menarik perhatian masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini mencoba membuat alat untuk mengatur karakter dot matrik dari jarak jauh dengan menggunakan remote TV Universal yang lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan menggunakan SMS, keypad, atau komputer. Pada saat remote tv universal ditekan, inframerah akan memancarkan cahaya. Cahaya dari inframerah akan ditangkap oleh sensor penerima sinyal infra merah yaitu TSOP (Temic Semiconductors Optoelectronics Photomodules). TSOP akan mengeluarkan data digital, data tersebut kemudian diolah oleh mikrokontroler ATMEGA16. Data tersebut akan ditampilkan menjadi sebuah karakter dan ditampilkan pada dot matrik. Mikrokontroler akan mengeluarkan karakter pada dotmatrik dengan mengendalikan driver baris dan kolom. Karakter tersebut akan dikumpulkan menjadi kalimat oleh mikrokontroler. Dot matrik dapat menampilkan tulisan berjalan dari karakter yang dibaca dan diolah oleh mikrokontroler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remote tv universal dapat mengatur karakter pada dot matrik dengan baik pada jarak kurang dari 7 meter dan panjang karakter maksimal yang dapat ditampilkan pada dot matrik adalah 47 karakter yang dapat berupa huruf, angka ,dan tanda baca

    Development of Formalin Tester Device for Food Using Microcontroller AT89S51

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    This article discusses the manufacture of formaldehyde content test kit device. The device made can find out whether formalin or samples that are dropped are reagents, its characteristics can be processed electronically to determine the levels of formalin detected in the reagent/test kit. The design is made using AT89S51 microcontroller. Detection of formaldehyde levels using a color measurement method for reagent fluids consisting of R, G, and B values. Measurement of these color parameters using the TCS230 sensor. With this device, it is expected to facilitate health workers, especially health analysts, to automatically test the level of formaldehyde in food with a display on the LCD. The result of device test, this device is feasible to use by the percent error value of less than 10%


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    Indonesia merupakan Negara yang banyak lembah, bukit dan gunung berapi. Sehingga setiap tahun, Indonesia banyak terjadi bencana alam tanah longsor. Tanah longsor adalah perpindahan material pembentuk lereng berupa batuan, bahan rombakan, tanah, atau material campuran tersebut, bergerak ke bawah atau keluar lereng. Penelitian ini mencoba membangun suatu system peringatan dini tanah longsor dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535. Pada saat tanah bergeser lebih 4 cm dan curah hujan perhari mencapai 100 mm/hari, maka sistem ini akan membunyikan sirine bahaya dan akan menghubungi perangkat desa agar mengevakuasi warganya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk suatu sistem peringatan dini tanah longsor berbasis mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535 bekerja dengan bai


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    Indonesia merupakan Negara yang banyak lembah, bukit dan gunung berapi. Sehingga setiap tahun, Indonesia banyak terjadi bencana alam tanah longsor. Tanah longsor adalah perpindahan material pembentuk lereng berupa batuan, bahan rombakan, tanah, atau material campuran tersebut, bergerak ke bawah atau keluar lereng. Penelitian ini mencoba membangun suatu system peringatan dini tanah longsor dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535. Pada saat tanah bergeser lebih 4 cm dan curah hujan perhari mencapai 100 mm/hari, maka sistem ini akan membunyikan sirine bahaya dan akan menghubungi perangkat desa agar mengevakuasi warganya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk suatu sistem peringatan dini tanah longsor berbasis mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535 bekerja dengan bai

    Uninterruptable Power Supply based on Switching Regulator and Modified Sine Wave

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    The availability of the electricity in doing a job lead to a dependency on it. If there is a sudden failure on electricity, it will result in unfinished works. To overcome the undesired situation because of wasting time, it is advisable to have your power supply. The power supply can serve to replace electricity temporarily, or it could be as a replacement for power supply of PLN’s (State Electricity Company) electricity nets to meet the daily electricity needs. Backup power available can sufficiently replace the source of PLN’s electricity nets with the output of square wave to the ordinary electricity needs. The type of the intended power supply is inverter system as a backup system that supplies daily electricity. In this case, it aims to change the DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current) voltages

    Altitude Control of UAV Quadrotor Using PID and Integral State Feedback

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    Applications of control techniques for stabilizing altitude in a UAV Quadrotor, along with a comprehensive performance comparison, are presented in this paper. The two compared control techniques are: a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and Integral State Feedback (ISF) controller. While PID control consists of a Proportional, an Integral and a Derivative Controller, the Integral State Feedback consists of an Integral and a State Feedback Controller. Each part of the control technique provides advantages and drawbacks in the controlled system performance. Numerical simulations in the research were performed on Simulink MATLAB to provide quantitative results in control performance comparison; thus, a quadrotor model was designed prior to the application of control techniques. Based on the numerical results, ISF control resulted in a better settling time with zero overshoot than PID. Meanwhile, the PID control had a better rise time with a big overshoot than ISF in its system response. Therefore, it can be concluded that the ISF Controller was better than PID regarding the settling time and the overshoot response

    Arduino Embedded Control System of DC Motor Using Proportional Integral Derivative

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    DC Motor has a lot of applications in the control system, robotics, industrial, and power system. The easiest and most popular control method to control DC motor is Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control. The proposed simulation has done with the great performance of the augmented system. However, simulation is an ideal situation, and most-likely is different from real-time hardware implementation. Hence, the research proposes hardware design and implementation of controlling the angular speed of the DC motor in Arduino Uno as its embedded processor system, using a PID Controller. Some examinations and analysis are done in the research, such as open-loop test, step-response, and the effect of PID parameters and sample time to the system performance. The PID controller is successfully implemented to Arduino UNO and able to control the angular speed of the DC motor. System performances differ according to the choice of PID parameters and sample time. The best PID parameters are Kp=0.7, Ki=0.3, and Kd=0.2 in 50ms sample time, as system response has no overshoot, no undershoot, fast rise, and settling time

    IoT-based Lava Flood Early Warning System with Rainfall Intensity Monitoring and Disaster Communication Technology

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    A lava flood disaster is a volcanic hazard that often occurs when heavy rains are happening at the top of a volcano. This flood carries volcanic material from upstream to downstream of the river, affecting populous areas located quite far from the volcano peak. Therefore, an advanced early warning system of cold lava floods is inarguably vital. This paper aims to present a reliable, remote, Early Warning System (EWS) specifically designed for lava flood detection, along with its disaster communication system. The proposed system consists of two main subsystems: lava flood detection and disaster communication systems. It utilizes a modified automatic rain gauge; a novel configured vibration sensor; Fuzzy Tree Decision algorithm; ESP microcontrollers that support IoT, and disaster communication tools (WhatsApp, SMS, radio communication). According to the experiment results, the prototype of rainfall detection using the tipping bucket rain gauge sensor can measure heavy and moderate rainfall intensities with 81.5% accuracy. Meanwhile, the prototype of earthquake vibration detection using a geophone sensor can remove noise from car vibrations with a Kalman filter and measure vibrations in high and medium intensity with an accuracy of 89.5%. Measurements from sensors are sent to the webserver. The disaster mitigation team uses data from the webserver to evacuate residents using the disaster communication method. The proposed system was successfully implemented in Mount Merapi, Indonesia, coordinated with the local Disaster Deduction Risk (DDR) forum. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-011 Full Text: PD